We’re happy to announce that kyanitepublishing.com has an all new catalog page. Organized by author, title, and series; it’s now easier than ever to browse our titles and find your favorite author.

Each title in our catalog also has a completely redesigned landing page, complete with the book’s blurb, genre information, category and length, release dates, pricing, retail links, author bio, and reviews.
We’ve worked hard to make sure everything you need to know about each book is all in one place!

We’re very excited about this new design, and hope that everyone finds it easier to navigate than our old system. Unfortunately, this has come about due to the closing of our online store. Due to new U.S. tax laws that went into effect this year, we don’t currently have the infrastructure to process sales through our website. But, all our titles are readily available from a variety of quality booksellers!
We hope everybody will still consider kyanitepublishing.com their home for information on all the great new projects we’re working on, in addition to our beautiful and entertaining back catalog. Thank you all for being with us on this voyage!